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RandomSpawners can now pass down flags given to them from ACS.

This edit allows passing any flags given (that aren't already part of the randomspawner itself), down to the actor spawned by the RandomSpawner. This allows setting flags on actors spawned by RandomSpawners that were they themselves spawned via ACS.

Allows code like this to work:

int uTID = UniqueTID(0);

spawnPassed = Spawn("MyRandomSpawner", pos[0], pos[1], newFloorZ, uTID, pos[3]);

    SetActorProperty(uTID, APROP_Ambush, ambush);
    SetActorProperty(uTID, APROP_Dormant, dormant);

Keep in mind, due to limitations (of either of my knowledge, or how the randomspawner is designed) this doesn't allow taking flags away from the child actor of the RandomSpawner.

Edited by StrikerTheHedgefox

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