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  • Katsunori FUJIWARA's avatar
    gitdirstate: show pattern error in hgignore file as expected · cf982a23e15c
    Katsunori FUJIWARA authored
    Before this revision, invalid pattern in hgignore file causes
    unintentional failure for UnboundLocalError of ignorefunc, if hggit is
    used with Mercurial 3.5 or later.
    In such case:
      - checking source of invalid pattern at failure uses "pats" list for
        hgignore files, but
      - "pats" list is empty, if ignoremod is None (= Mercurial 3.5 or later)
      - therefore, checking with matchmod.match() overlooks invalid pattern
    Then, "return ignorefunc" is executed without assignment to
    ignorefunc, and causes UnboundLocalError.
    To show pattern error in hgignore file as expected even with Mercurial
    3.5 or later, this revision puts '(FILE, ["include: FILE"])' tuples
    into "pats" (to avoid code duplication, putting into allpats is
    shared, too).
    This makes checking source of invalid pattern at failure work as
    expected for hgignore files.
    Fixes #197