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  • Georges Racinet's avatar
    Upstream merge with checks fix and RSpec adaptations for hg_access · 9fc3fde83121
    Georges Racinet authored
    Upstream introduced the new `commits_check`, for now only
    about checking signatures, and more specifically, checking
    in case of a signature by GitLab (web change) that the current
    user matches the commit author.
    This puts the `new_commits` method in the systematic call path,
    finally calling the `ListCommits` gRPC method with something like
    `[head1_sha, head2_sha, '--not', '--all']`. While this is useful
    with Git, as a way to inspect new commits before they actually bear
    references, it just breaks every push to Mercurial native repositories.
    Also, the new check accesses the commits themselves, which do
    not exist in our `HgAccess` tests. We preferred to solve this
    problem without any change in main code (was tempting, because
    Heptapod does not support signatures yet, but would have been
    dangerous as it would have risked missing new, more relevant checks).
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