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  • Lukas 'ai-pi' Eipert's avatar
    Create extraction script for utility classes · 0c0b95eb3bcf
    Lukas 'ai-pi' Eipert authored
    This is the first step towards generating all utility classes with
    tailwind. The idea behind this is the following:
    Parse all utility classes being provided by @gitlab/ui into a JSON
    object where each class is represented as something like this:
    '.bg-gray-10': {
      'background-color': 'var(--gray-10, #fbfafd)',
    We then let tailwind generate all the utilities and compare the class
    definitions above with the class definitions in @gitlab/ui. They can
    fall into four categories:
    - exact matches: The tailwind generated class matches @gitlab/ui 1:1
    - potential mismatches: The tailwind generated class mismatches
      significantly. This can be okay or we may need some adjustments to the
      tailwind config.
    - hardcoded colors: Some of the utility classes have hard coded colors
      which the conversion script is not able to resolve to a CSS variable.
    - safe to use legacy utils: These utils have no overlap with tailwind at
      all. The class names completely differ. This means we can feed the
      definitions above into tailwind, so that tailwind is able to generate
      the classes
    As part of the conversion certain aspects are normalized, for example
    colors like `#fbfafd` are normalized to `var(--gray-10, #fbfafd)`, but
    only if the class name contains `gray-10`.
    Furthermore we currently check-in two files that later will be
    1. config/helpers/tailwind/css_in_js.js – containing the css-in-js
       definitions for tailwind to generate the legacy utils with tailwind
    2. config/helpers/tailwind/all_utilities.haml – containing a list of all
       utility classes, so that tailwind is able to generate _all utilities_
       and not just the used ones