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  • Matt Harbison's avatar
    revset: handle wdir() in `sort(..., -topo)` · 117dcc4a0e67
    Matt Harbison authored
    The last apparent usage of `repo.changelog.parentrevs` in revsets is in
    `children()`, but since the sets being operated on never include wdir(), it's
    never called with `wdirrev` and the wdir() arg on the command line is
    effectively ignored instead of aborting there.  I'm not sure how to fix that.
    Before (on a clone of hg):
        $ python3.8 hg perf::revset --config extensions.perf=contrib/ 'sort(all(), -topo)'
        ! wall 0.123663 comb 0.130000 user 0.130000 sys 0.000000 (best of 76)
        $ python3.8 hg perf::revset --config extensions.perf=contrib/ 'sort(all(), -topo)'
        ! wall 0.123838 comb 0.130000 user 0.130000 sys 0.000000 (best of 75)