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  • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
    rename: properly report removed and added file as modified (issue4458) · 2963d5c9d90b
    Pierre-Yves David authored
    The result of 'hg rm' + 'hg rename' disagreed with the one from
    'hg rename --force'. We align them on 'hg move --force' because it agrees with
    what 'hg status' says after the commit.
    Stopping reporting a modified file as added puts an end to the hg revert confusion in this
    situation (issue4458).
    However, reporting the file as modified also prevents revert from restoring the copy
    source. We fix this in a later changeset.
    Git diff also stop reporting the add in the middle of the chain as add. Not
    sure how important (and even wrong) it is.