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  • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
    phases: invalidate the phases set less often on retract boundary · ac1c75188440
    Pierre-Yves David authored
    We already have the information to update the phase set, so we do so directly
    instead of invalidating the cache.
    This show a sizeable speedup in our `perf::unbundle` benchmark on the
    many-draft mozilla-try repository.
    ###            = mozilla-try-2023-03-22-zstd-sparse-revlog
      #                = hg.perf.perf-unbundle
      # bin-env-vars.hg.flavor        = no-rust
      # = default
      # benchmark.variants.issue6528  = disabled
      # benchmark.variants.revs = last-10
    before: 2.055259 seconds
    after:  1.887064 seconds (-8.18%)
      # benchmark.variants.revs = last-100
    before: 2.409239 seconds
    after:  2.222429 seconds (-7.75%)
      # benchmark.variants.revs = last-1000
    before: 3.945648 seconds
    after:  3.762480 seconds (-4.64%)